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What We Do


Our mission is to provide the residents and businesses of The Great Barrington Fire District with safe drinking water and fire protection. The Water Department is run by the Prudential Committee. The Superintendent manages the day to day operations in the field, while the District Clerk, is responsible for day-to-day clerical activities in the District Office.


The Water Department system supplies approximately 1,725 service connections and serves a population of 4,254 people. The Water Department also supplies water to approximately 322 fire hydrants and 59 sprinkler systems in the Fire District. The water system relies on two large water tanks to provide sufficient pressure for both domestic and fire-fighting purposes.


The Great Barrington Fire District Water Department obtains the water supply for its systems from gravel packed wells located within the town of Great Barrington. As part of its water system management plan, The Great Barrington Fire District Water Department continues to upgrade and expand its water system to meet the ever increasing demand of a growing community.

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